ALB Application Load Balancer
AMI Amazon Machine Image
ARN Amazon Resource Name
ASG Auto Scaling Groups
CFN Cloud Formation
DDOS Distributed Denial of Service
EB Elastic BeanStalk
EBS Elastic Block Storage
EC2 Elastic Cloud Compute
ECR Elastic Container Repository
ECS Elastic Container Service
EFS Elastic File Storage
EKS Elastic Kubernetes Service
ELB Elastic Load Balancer
EMR Elastic MapReduce
ES ElastiSearch
IAM Identity and Access Management
IoT Internet of Things
MKS Managed Kafka Service
MQ Amazon ActiveMQ
NLB Network Load Balancer
RDS Relation Database Service
RI Reserved Instances
S3 Simple Storage Service
SES Simple Email Service
SNS Simple Notification Service
SQS Simple Queue Service
SSM Simple Systems Manager
SWF Simple WorkFlow Service
TAM Technical Account Manager
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
VPC Virtual Private Cloud
VPN Virtual Private Network
WAF Web Application Firewall